by Rev. Jason Storm

The Second Degree of Usui Reiki is centered around the mental/emotional development of the Reiki practitioner. At this level the clearing is more connected with mental and emotional blockages and maturity, so you can expect a resurfacing of any issues you haven't yet dealt with to a complete resolution. The physical symptoms are not quite as common, but can be similar to those of the First Degree. The primary difference between the practices of the First and Second Degree is the use of symbols and an increase in the use of distance treatments. It is traditionally taught that you do not begin to do distant treatments until Level II, but in Taokan Advanced Reiki we learn that you can do distant treatments without ever studying any sort of Reiki. It is also traditionally held that the symbols should be kept absolutely secret and confidential, that because they are sacred things they shouldn't be "left out in the open" for anyone who's not in the club to see! But in my experience, a general consensus of Reiki practitioners and masters is that the secrecy issue has developed in order to further the mystery and preserve the commercial aspects of Reiki. In other words, when people know that there are "secret symbols" in Usui Reiki, there will be some people who will go pay an exorbitant price to learn Level II Reiki just so they can learn what the symbols are, not because they want to bring healing to the worlds. One Reiki Master named Diane Stein , a somewhat controversial figure for this very reason, published ALL of the Reiki symbols including the Tera Mai and the Karuna Reiki symbols as well in her book "Essential Reiki". The bottom line is this: The symbols invoke infinite healing energy in significantly increased amounts. By definition, that which is infinite is, quite necessarily, INEXHAUSTIBLE. The admonitions that to let non-initiates see them or to leave them out in the open will "disperse their energy" is utter nonsense! When you consider that Mrs. Takata charged $10,000 USD for the Reiki Master Training, it is perhaps more understandable where the secrecy originates from. Aren't you LUCKY that you can learn the whole system FOR FREE!?? :-) With the Level II attunement comes a doubling and squaring of the energy capacity you achieved in Level I. For this reason it is better when you wait after taking the First Degree and practice Reiki for at least three months before progressing to Level II. The energy you can channel RIGHT NOW is what will be doubled and squared. It is in your best interests to wait after the First Degree to take your Second. But I trust your guides to take you to the place you need to be at the time you need to be there, so if you are ready to proceed, click on the first lesson below, "The Level II Symbols and their energies". May love, light, and peace guide you as you pursue a new level of understanding and in pursuing healing of yourself first, then the universe!

CAUTIONARY NOTE!: If you think that you will want to take the Master's training quickly after the Second, please consider very carefully. When you progress to the Master Level, the energy that your physical body can hold and transmit will be doubled and squared. Meaning if you have a light bulb that is 100 watts, when it is doubled and squared it will be 40,000 watts (100 doubled is 200, 200 x 200 = 40,000). It is IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS to learn the Second Degree then practice it on yourself and anyone who will let you for at least six months (traditionally three years). Give the new energy patterns time to settle in your system. Then when you feel ready, proceed to Mastery. If you do it quickly, you can expect increased and amplified symptoms of clearing, and especially with the Level III clearing, it can be very, VERY EMOTIONALLY AND KARMICALLY UNPLEASANT. Consider yourself warned! :-)