Remove Negative Reiki Attunements Empowerment

Created upon request! Have you ever had a bad Reiki attunement that left you feeling drained, odd, or out of sorts? Unfortunately, a lot of Reiki energies are contaminated with other "junk" that might not be good for your spiritual health. Worse, some Reiki Masters are selling downright evil "Reiki attunements" such as Vampire Reiki - that teaches how to steal other people's energy! If you get an attunement from a Reiki Master who is dabbling in the dark arts (such as black magic) then you can get energetically contamination from them. 

Archangel Jophiel Ray of Light Reiki Attunement

From Wikipedia: "The Archangel Jophiel (Hebrew: "Beauty of God") is also known as Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel ("Divine Beauty"), Youfiel and Zophiel ("My Rock is God")....The Zohar lists him as a Great Angel Chief in charge of 53 legions who superintend Torah-readings on the Sabbath. Jophiel is said to be a companion to the angel Metatron." The energies of this attunement connect you to Archangel Jophiel and to the yellow ray of light associated with this angel. Jophiel is an angel of enlightenment and beauty.

Angels of Peace Reiki Attunement

A calming, beautiful angelic healing energy from SpiritLight Reiki, The Angels of Peace attunement connects you to the Angels that bring you peace and contentment. It is said there are 7 Angels of peace and their names are unknown, however there are actually at least 9 Angels of Peace and very likely more. These angels will surround you with love, light, and compassion to help you through any trial or challenge you face. The Angels of Peace help you on a personal level to restore an inner peace.

Angels Healing and Empowerment Reiki

A wonderful, angelic healing energy from SpiritLight Reiki, Angels Healing and Empowerment Reiki connects you to the realm of the Angels. It works with the angelic realm to bring healing of illness, and false beliefs. The energies bring empowerment through healing and renewing true and right positive energies within you. The Angels have given an exercise to use to lift your energies, boost your personal power, and heal the heart, soul, and body.

You will receive one attunement and a PDF manual.
