by Rev. Jason Storm The hands-on (or direct) treatment procedure at Level II is exactly the same as Level I, except for the use the of the symbols. It is a good idea to put a giant "ckr" (cho ku rei) over the table or area in which you will be working to increase the energies available in that area. When your client is comfortably placed and ready to begin, you should put "ckr" over both of your own palms first, then over your whole body from forehead to genitals to open you and amplify your channel. Then place ckr over the client's torso from shoulders to genitals, and tap it in three times (done mentally. See yourself patting the symbol down in to the flesh of the client. -- you don't have to actually pat the client three times:-), followed by shk and hszsn in the same way. When you have fully memorised the symbols, you can just send them whole, visualizing them over the clients body before mentally patting them down in. Don't forget to say each symbol's name three times as you "draw" or visualize it in order to activate it. If you are guided to use a particular symbol in a particular place over the clients body, then by all means do so. If images or feelings come to you during the treatment, share these with the client and ask they have any meaning to them. You should also use ckr on the soles of the feet to open the small chakras (at acupuncture point K1, "the bubbling spring" in the center of the balls of the feet) to help keep the client grounded after the treatment is completed. Distant Treatments At Level II you are also first given instruction in how to do distant treatments for your clients. "The basis for treatments given at a distance from the proximity of the practitioner or with the client 'absent' from the actual location of the treatment lies in the theory that in reality all things are energy constructs. As such they are never created nor destroyed. Since energy has no beginning and no end, it is outside of the constraints of 'time and space' as we experience it. Therefore, working with energy to heal a body is also outside of the three dimensional world and its limitation of time. As with other Reiki treatments, it is not necessary to 'believe' in this axiom in order for the treatment to work. Just as you do not have to believe in lightning in order to be struck by it, so too Reiki in all its forms works without belief. "Treatments at a distance occur because the healer either calls the [astral] body (or higher self) [of the client] to him for healing or the healer transcends space and time to join the client for the healing [(astral travel)]. Absentee healing is basically a process of visualization in a meditative state. The easiest (least complicated method) of doing a healing is to have a surrogate stand in for the actual person. This surrogate is usually some sort of doll or stuffed toy with sufficiently large areas of body to allow an approximation of the hand position on the toy's body. A more complicated (requiring more practice and imagination) method is to use an actual photograph... of the person to be healed. This can be extended to include a signature or some other piece of trivia such as a jewelry item owned by the person involved. Also viable is using your unaided imagination to create something in your mind that you name the person to be healed and then creating the energy around that item. Anything that you can associate with a person or thing to be healed (even a fragrance) can be your focus for the healing." Distant Treatment Procedure * First you will need to have a comfortable place where you can work. Preferably a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed for at least 20 minutes per treatment. You can have a timer or a clock, your stuffed toy or picture, and anything else you might need to help you (like the page with the symbols:-). Once you are practiced at giving distance treatments, you can give them anywhere anytime. But for now, just use a place of ease where you can concentrate. * Sit comfortably with your feet uncrossed and flat on the floor. Relax and center your thoughts on the person you are about to send healing to. Open Reiki and do a quick self treatment or internal visualization to get Reiki really flowing through you. This will help fill the space in which you are working with strong healing energies. Ask you guides for their presence and assistance with this distant healing "for the good of all and with harm to none". * Begin the treatment by putting your hands on the toy or photograph, then mentally or verbally (or both) calling the person by their preferred name to come be present with you for this healing. You must ASK PERMISSION before you begin the treatment even if the person has specifically asked you to do the healing before, at each session you must ask for permission from the person's higher self before you can begin. Mind you, you will receive a definite yes or no answer from them (and an "I don't care" or "Do as you like" does not count as a "yes"!). You are ethically bound to honor the choice of everyone regardless of your own desires. If you get a "No", then don't do the treatment. That's all. If you are not sure of their answer, then proceed only with the qualifying statement of "with harm to none, for the good of all concerned." * Draw ckr into the palm of your non-dominant hand and say its name three times. Feel the extra power come into your hands. * Draw/see/say three times each, ckr, hszsn, ckr, shk, ckr, (sandwich the symbols together) and say the person's name and where they are physically present (if known) three times each. Affirm that this healing is for the highest good of all concerned and give any qualifiers necessary to cover your doubts about the treatment. If treatment is given to be received at a different time than when you are actually working repeat this 3 times as well. * At this point you can begin treating them just as if you were giving a direct treatment. You may counsel them, ask questions, and expect to receive answers from the client. * Treatments of this kind rarely last more than 20 minutes. Using pure energy is much more effective than a hands-on method. Set a timer or set your internal clock to break off at a certain time and check the clock until you are accustomed to the new way of giving treatments. After a while each case will be different and you will know intuitively when to end the treatment. Just as you know when to move your hands when doing a direct treatment. * When you have finished the treatment visualize your usual method of closing. End with a final prayer or thank you's to the guides (and others) that have helped you. * Seal the client with ckr over the whole back and smooth their aura as necessary. * Break the connection. Remember that situation can be healed in a like manner using the same symbols and visualize the situation as if written on a piece of paper or use an actual note about the situation. (Warm thanks to Rev. C.J. Aberte for her kind permission to reprint the above information from her notes.)