by Rev. Jason Storm In Usui Reiki, Level I, you are taught fixed hand positions for delivering energy to specific parts of the body. While these positions may be useful to you, I no longer teach hand positions as a vital part of Reiki training. I feel it is far more important to develop your High Sense Perception and active communication with guides to know where and how to deliver the energy. But for the sake completeness, I will give the positions now. There are countless other sites out there with very good information about hand positions and other "traditional" Reiki issues. The treatment method is to place the hands in position and allow Reiki to flow through you into the client. It's that simple. Hands need not actually make contact with the body for the energy to flow, as the most important rule of all energy work is: "ENERGY FLOWS WHERE THE MIND GOES" Hand positions on the front and back of the body: * Hands on shoulders * Both hands at the crown of the head. * Both hands on top of the head over each half of the brain, fingers toward the front of the body. * Hands over ears at the sides of the head, fingers pointing up or forward. * One hand on forehead at 3rd eye, one hand at base of skull at the Medulla (hollow of the base of the skull). * One hand on front of neck at throat chakra, other hand at Medulla. * Hands over eyes. * Hands over face, one hand-left half, one hand-right half. * Hands on upper torso, at the level of the collar bone, one hand-one half of torso, hands touching together lightly (Imagine you want to use your hands to cover your breasts, but without crossing the wrists and with the hands flat -- now place your hands one hand-width above the breastline). * Then next positions are working the way down the front of the body, moving one hand-width down at each position. (these positions are the same on the back). * At each leg, one hand on the hip, the other at the knee, flow from one hand to the other, from the hip to the knee. Stop when you can feel the flow from one hand to the next. Do for both legs. * Each leg, one hand at the knee, one at the ankle, flow from one hand to the other as in the previous position. * Each foot, one hand on top, one on bottom, or as guided. * Each chakra, without touching the body, allow Reiki to balance each chakra. * OPTIONAL POSITIONS: Over heart, thyroid gland, lungs, liver, kidneys, ovaries, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, and sacrum. Again, I would like to stress that I don't want you to labor over memorizing these positions. Work with whatever feels most comfortable to you. In treatment, YOU WILL be guided to do different things. Go with your intuition, and let the clients energy speak with you.